Monday, November 22, 2010


Sadly this is not a post about the keeping of my actual house, that's beyond a joke at this point, but I do have a couple of things I wanted to fill everyone in on in relation (mostly) to shop news so I thought I would just bundle it all up into one post. Here we go!

Christmas Mailing Dates
If you're wanting to pick up something from the shop for Christmas, please keep in mind the following dates, and also that it is just the two of us working although we try to go as fast as we can.

Canada - Purchase by December 4th
USA - Purchase by December 4th
International - Purchase by November 26th

We can offer express shipping if you need things to get there a little faster or you've missed the deadlines, just let us know and we'll get you a quote. There's also our Gift Certificates, that we email directly to you or the recipient, which are a really great idea for last minute gifts!

Bliss in a Teacup out and about
I know that I have mentioned the fantastic NZ based online design store Foxes before, and we're really excited to that they are now carrying select Bliss in a Teacup goods! While you're looking around the store, you can pick up a copy of Extra Curricular. Their latest Christmas issue is out, complete with a holiday activity book that includes a recipe from myself and other talented kiwis.

Jessica has asked a few people to contribute holiday sweets recipes that she's baked up and featured on her blog. There are so many delicious looking things! My contribution is here, it's a favourite that I've just realised I will now have to vegan-ise!

On a more local front, we're going to be at the Got Craft? Christmas market this Dec. 5th so please come along and say hello! It's our favourite market to do by far, and there are always lots of amazing wares.

Lastly, things might get a little quiet around here over the next while. The holiday rush is is in full force (thank you!) and there keeps seeming to be more and more things we need to do in preparation for our move home. I still have some travel photos and stories to share with you, and I'll be posting every now and then when I have something to share. I'm actually a little excited at the idea of scaling back and blogging the really good stuff as opposed to feeling like there always needs to be content for contents sake, you know?

Hope you're all well, it is freezing (literally, my balcony is like an ice skating rink!) here, an early winter is well on it's way!

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