

My name is Rebekah and I live in beautiful Hawkes Bay, New Zealand where I live with my husband Richard and our funny little cat, Ursula. Together we run Bliss In A Teacup, a design collaboration inspired by woodgrains, quilts, misty landscapes and clean, Modern design. We use predominantly reused materials when making, especially wood, as we love the stories they carry and believe it is best for us and our planet.

I spend my days partly working as a teacher and thinking about education, and partly designing jewellery, taking photos and thinking about far off places.

In this blog you'll find a mixture of thoughts, pleasing images, ideas and recipes.

Please note, I don't do sponsored posts so I'd rather you did not email me to ask. However, if you want to email me to say hello, tell me a story or send me a link, I would love that! You can get in touch at hello (at) blissinateacup (dot) com.