Monday, October 8, 2012

Instagram update

I've only just pulled my camera out since the move and so have being obsessively relying on instagram instead. It's funny looking through these snaps, placing them all together and realising how much life has changed in the past few months. It feels lovely and calm, I like it. 

packaging drawer :: spring green :: a small part of christine's jug collection and scandinavian crockery :: country richard :: quilt fabric stash :: new hair :: library inspiration :: tuesday, my firstborn (j/k (not really)) :: new neighbours ::

camouflage basil :: blossoms :: berry cobbler :: making use of the juicer :: taking stock :: vineyards :: sunset :: cow roadblock :: studio view ::

We're spending our mornings with T and afternoons browsing op shops, driving around the countryside, learning how to slow down. Saying I'll bake sometime tomorrow, everyday until it comes to putting a chocolate cake in the oven at 9am. We still feel like we're on holiday a little bit, but also like we've been here always. 

A few good things: 

- Decals by Evie Kemp. Aside from Shanna Murray, I usually can't really deal with decals but these are so great. The floral animal ones are my favourites!
- I can't tell if they would be delicious or not, but how pretty are these sakura cookies??
- If I can ever get the glitter off my nails, this is going to be my next manicure. 

Thank you for your kind words on my previous post, I'll be sure to keep you updated. 

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