I hope you all have lovely weekends, any exciting plans? I'm going to a gardening class on Sunday with a friend, can't wait!
At long last, a shop update! Four new embroidery hoop clocks made from some of my favourite fabrics yet, and a bunch of new wooden bookmarks are now available in the shop. As always, all our bookmark images are taken from collected vintage paper ephemera (and most often a very old encyclopedia from the 1800's), and you can now choose from a gramophone, a typewriter, a bee, a music stand and some floral ornamentation (not sure what to call this, suggestions?) that is used to break up chapters in said encyclopedia. We've also been finding some really beautiful veneer lately, which I've been meaning to photograph to show you on here so perhaps I'll get to that today. I'm a sucker for wood grain.
Because Spring is coming, and because we have some new products in the works I've also created a new sale section where everything has been marked down by 25%! I most likely won't be re-listing these items once they've sold, unless someone is completely heartbroken that they missed out! Plus, for an extra treat there will be free shipping for all you lovely readers on everything in that section from now until the end of the month (Sunday Feb 28th, midnight PST). Simply enter the code 'Spring Cleaning' at the checkout and I will send you a revised receipt!