Nulla dies sine linea - No day without a line
I didn't really make any resolutions this year, but I have definitely thought about a few things I'd like to make an effort to do in 2009. One is to create something, or a part of something, every day. To be creative every day. Theoretically if I want to get going on establishing a craft business, I should be doing this anyway, but I really want to make sure that I am not only doing this just for work but instead just simply to be involved creativity.
One way of doing this is a moleskine (oh how I love these books!)exchange I'm currently taking part in. The idea is, each person has a moleskine and it gets sent around the group where each member gets to illustrate a double page spread. Some people have set a theme for their moleskines, others have given the illustrators total freedom. The group is really diverse, full of wonderful women, a range of different ages, locations, professions and aesthetics, so I am really excited to receive a book back full of art from all over.
Here is a quick peek at what I'm working on at the moment. There is still some collage work to do, but I'm actually pretty happy with how it's all going so far.
What ways do you like to engage in creativity?
Enjoy the start to your week, and for all my sweets down under I hope you are keeping cool in the crazy heat!