Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feeling homey

So, excitingly I have the next 5 days off. Five whole days! I have so many plans. Plans that involve canning, jamming, bread making and the like. All incredibly wholesome. We're also planning a shop update for next week, so there will be some crafting thrown in there too. In saying that, I've been thinking that I need to stop jamming in millions of things to do whenever I have some time to spare. I have some weird worry that if I just sit down, relax and enjoy myself for a bit, that I'm being unproductive, and so I set up all these things I have to do first in order to be allowed to do my own thing. Granted, if my house is all crazy I do find it hard to relax, and I don't think it is unwise to prioritize things that need to get done. But....sometimes all I want to do is sit, knit and watch movies. So, today being the grey and lovely one that it was, I decided to do just that (minus the movies but plus lots of This American Life).

Oh, and those donuts up there? Made those today, too. What else would I make on a day of indulgence such as this? Also, I have been obsessing over them ever since I saw Chelsea's post on the weekend. They were pretty easy to make, and baked so no mess. Basically a perfect treat! Although I may go a little easier on the sugar/cinnamon combo next time.

And this my friends, is what came in the mail the other day. Just a lovely 1930s/40s quilt from Pennsylvania, no big deal. I won it on Ebay for a steal a little while back and have been obsessively patiently waiting for it ever since. It's so beautiful with only the slightest tear (that I secretly love because it gives it a bit of character) and the fabric is all soft and worn. So good. Perfect for cozy-ing up under with some knitting on this grey day. Ack, I love it!


natalie said...

These donuts make me drool!!

The Little Mama said...

Gasp! The quilt is lovely! And the donuts. Well, you know how I feel about the donuts.

mon ami said...

sounds lovely! what did you decide to make with the tweedy wool?

I will now go wish that my toast is actually a donut.


anabela / fieldguided said...

Oooh the donuts, and ooh the quilt! What a perfect combo!

Chelsea said...

You made them! Aren't they so yummy? Old-timey quilts are the best. I scored several at an estate sale about a year ago (I can't pass up handmade goods that are basically being thrown away) and we use them like crazy. The best part of an antique quilt? Its already all soft and worn in! +chelsea

Lisa said...

5 days off at home is awesome!! as are donuts and worn-in quilts. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Oh those donuts look so delicious. They look just like the ones my mom used to make.

And that quilt .... It's so lovely.

becka said...

Thea, I'm making the Woodland Shawl. Which I'm mostly excited about, but also a little terrified of how much I have to concentrate on the pattern, ha!

Chelsea, the donuts are fantastic! I'm definitely making them again. I totally agree about the quilts, why are people throwing them out! But really, happy for us that they are I suppose!

kate / tinywarbler said...

oh....the quilt. the donuts.......5 days off. perfect! enjoy!