Thursday, November 26, 2009

Still here...

Hello lovelies! Just a quick note to say that I'm still here, albeit it drowning in craft supplies, dirty dishes and laundry. We've got a couple craft shows coming up that we're preparing for, plus the countdown to Christmas and all that comes with that (including the shop getting busier, yay!). We're good though, even if a bit busy, and are looking forward to getting out there and seeing other local crafters (but also secretly looking forward to the post craft fair sleep in). I swear I have crafting on the brain though, as the other day while at this crazy babysitting speed date like mixer, one of the parents asked me where the University of Etsy was. Apparently I'd put that on the resume this group of 15 or so parents now had. Good one, Becka. Ah well, I have got myself an iPhone and I'm pretty sure its making me magically way more organised, so I'm actually feeling pretty good about the next few weeks of craziness. Plus! Plus, we have some new products we're hoping to bring out in the next week or so that I'm really excited to share with you all!

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend! What are your plans for it?



The Little Mama said...

I love the U of Etsy mistake. That is awesome.
Enjoy Blim! I'm excited for you. We are about to embark on a weekend of holiday insanity that I'm sure will leave me beyond exhausted, and pleading for a week in bed. So begins the season!