I hope you're all having a lovely start to your weekend, its amazingly hot here and I plan to soak it up!
xoI hope you're all having a lovely start to your weekend, its amazingly hot here and I plan to soak it up!
xoLove number 2, biscuits. They're a recipe on the fridge type of thing, although I think by now its imprinted on my brain. Thankfully it is on the fridge though, because Richard decided to whip these up to accompany our dinner tonight. Yum!
There is going to be a shop update tomorrow (finally!), so I'll keep you posted!
Enjoy your start to the week, I hope Monday goes easy on you!
Alright, it is the start of my weekend so I intend to bake something very chocolatey, eat ice cream (thank you Amber!) and watch movies. Love it.
We've also adjusted the shipping costs on our Writing Slates, as apparently I'd done some crazy calculating and they were listed at about double the real costs! So sorry!
Enjoy your weekend!
I recently discovered a lovely blog, The English Muse, written by Tina who also is a celebrity columnist for the Los Angeles Times. To be fair, she really discovered me first, and not only is she super friendly but she also takes the most beautiful photos. I love, love her polariods of LA life, flea markets, Sunset Blvd and roses from her garden...I could go on. I recommend going over to take a peek for yourselves.
Melissa Pavlovic of Poodlebreath was at Got Craft? a few weeks back and I was totally blown away by her brooches, pendants and other ceramic beauties (check out this wall decor, love it). They are beautiful and otherworldy. I really love how she uses colour and a disembodied taxidermy type feel to create something ethereal and lovely (who would've thought I'd type 'disembodied taxidermy' and 'lovely' in one sentence).
And finally, you wouldn't know it by looking outside today, but Summer is on its way and that means picnics, camping trips, lake swimming, (vegetarian) balcony barbeque's and berry picking.
Picnic at Hardy Dam, 1945 via Joey Harrison
Speaking of picnics, this is the year that I will introduce Canada to these treats which in my mind are the perfect picnic food.
Mmm, lamingtons. Although these also come in a chocolate flavour, I surprisingly (being as obsessed with chocolate as I am) love the strawberry kind the best and without cream....or just a hint. Yum!
Thank you all for your congrats, birthday wishes and entries into our giveaway! It was so much fun reading all your comments, I was so surprised to see so many different flavours of cakes! I did love that almost all of you basically said that you just love cake, period. Haha, so true. Every time a new comment came in, I became more and more hungry/desperate for cake. Anabela, you had me at buttercream. I also must say that one of my favourite comment quotes was from Kate at Greedy For Colour...
'I think this is the hardest question I could be asked food-wise but I think a carrot cake with cream cheese icing... but the carrot cake is only there to act as a ladle for the icing'
Haha, so so true.
I guess I should really get on with the results (thank you random.org)! I'm actually doing this as I type, all very exciting. The winners are...numbers 4 & 7, Anabela and Lili! I will be emailing you both to get address info, slate/earring preferences and such.
Like I said, I had lots of fun doing this, and as I have never won a giveaway (and am always secretly bummed) really I just wanted everyone to win. Which means I will for sure be doing some more giveaways soon!
Oh, and look! We were lucky enough to be featured on the front page on Saturday. Not a bad birthday present for a new wee shop.
Right, so I best get back to work. I have some Spring Blossom earrings to make for Lucky Rooster and a movie to watch. I hope you're all enjoying a lovely start to your week!
Vancouver really turned it up today, it was beautiful down at Kits Beach, although I felt rather conspicuously more clothed than most people there. We found the best chickpea salad to snack on (as you may have noticed, we forgot forks...its not at all that Amber has no manners. Really, I don't think either of us has any problem with eating with our hands, haha) while we people watched and talked doula, and tried to will all the cute dogs to come over and visit with us.